
Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024

Ab 09.30

Networking & Welcome Coffee

10.30 – 10.40

Agnes Lehbrink & Burkhard Riering, Automobilwoche

10.40 – 11.15

Panel: Modern Leadership: Wie sieht die neue Führungskultur aus?
Petra Peterhänsel, Werkleiterin Leipzig BMW Group
Yanni von Roy-Jiang, COO & Member of the Board Webasto
Olga Nevska, CEO Telekom MobilitySolutions

11.15 – 11.35

Vortrag und Q&A: Management und Transformation in der Beschaffung
Barbara Frenkel, Vorständin Beschaffung Porsche

11.35 – 12.10

Networking & Coffee

12.10 – 12.30

Content-Session: Führen in herausfordernden Zeiten – warum die Autoindustrie gerade jetzt mehr Vielfalt braucht
Ruth Heuss, Senior Partner McKinsey

12.30 – 12.50

Im Gespräch: Diversity drives Business
Linda Kurz, Director Marketing Germany Audi

12.50 – 13.10

Talk: Leading with Heart and Conviction: A New Era for Women in Leadership
Maren Gräf, Member of the Board People & Culture Škoda

13.10 – 14.30

Networking & Lunch

14.30 – 15.25

Masterclass Session 1

MC 1: {Code of Leadership} – To win the game you need to play it
Lejla Pandzi, Program Lead Sustainability T-Systems
Maja Fredebold, Project Lead Tech Leadership Development T-Systems

MC 2: Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne - oder was kommt eigentlich zuerst: Marke oder Werte?
Marlene Freienstein, Head of Marketing Polestar

MC 3: More Perspectives – Inspiring Women for the Automotive Industry
Laura Kronen, Partner Berylls Strategy Advisors

MC 4: Pushing boundaries: Creating Strategic Partnerships
Jessica Geutner, Senior Vice President Strategic Customers Global, Salesforce

15.35 – 16.30

Masterclass Session 2

MC 1: Transformational Female Leadership in der Automobilbranche: Perspektiven aus Beratung und Praxis
Tanja Svjetlanovic, Consultant Executive Search Spencer Stuart
Sandra Dax, Senior Vice President Business Development Pininfarina Deutschland

MC 2: Dawn of a New Era: Simplifying the software defined paradigm
Yasmine King, Vice President, Automotive Cabin Experience Analog Devices

MC 3: Creating caring communities
Christiane Brandes-Visbeck, Advisory Board Member PCT digital

MC 4: Breaking the Boys Club – Wege in den Aufsichtsrat
Janine Hardi, Rechtsanwältin FidAR

16.30 – 17.15


17.15 – 18.00

Start-up Session

18.00 – 18.20

Vortrag und Q&A
Franziska Cusumano, Head of Special Trucks & Custom Tailored Trucks Daimler Truck

18.20 – 18.30

Agnes Lehbrink & Burkhard Riering, Automobilwoche

18.30 – 19.30

Cocktail Reception

19.30 – 19.50

Women’s Leadership Day Award

19.50 – 23.00

Networking Dinner & DJ